5 Worst Effects of COVID-19 on Vienna Sex Scene

The COVID-19 disease has been ravaging the world’s economies for almost half a year now and there’s been a lot of damage on every aspect of our lives because of the pandemic. We weren’t prepared for the Coronavirus and many industries were heavily hit by the sanctions introduced as a result of the virus. The prostitution scene all around the world has been stopped because of the current situation and Vienna isn’t an exception to this. In the following post, you can read more about some of the worst effects that the COVID-19 disease has had on the Vienna sex scene. Read on to find out more!

1. Many who worked in the Viennese sex industry lost their jobs

Since all types of brothels and clubs that offer sexual services have been closed for a few months now, many people who worked in the sex industry in Vienna have lost their jobs. The ladies are not allowed to work right now, so they lost all of their regular income. Many establishments are not able to keep their business closed without going bankrupt. Since many brothel owners lost their income, there are businesses that have closed their doors forever. Additionally, the club staff that worked in these establishments, such as waiters, security guards, cleaning ladies and other employees have also lost their work.

2. Illegal prostitution is on the rise in Vienna

Because of the ban on legal prostitution in Vienna, many girls have had to turn to illegal prostitution in order to keep making money. These women now operate from private apartments and offer their services through illegal methods. This not only puts the women in danger as they now have to work without protection from guards or legal business owners, but they could also be fined for large sums of money If they are caught. Additionally, none of the women who work illegally have their health book that shows that they are free of STDs. This makes the Vienna sex scene not as safe right now as it could be for the women and the clients alike.

3. Sex workers need to spend their savings because of the Coronavirus

The women who didn’t want to do work illegally had to spend their savings in order to afford basic necessities. Because they currently have no sort of income, most of them are either going into debt or trying to find another job that they can actually do. This means that sex workers who made good money in Viennese brothels are now in a crisis. In reality, the women who chose to follow the rules and guidelines introduced as a result of the COVID-19 disease only have disadvantages.

4. Many non-Austrian sex workers have travelled back to their home country

Many of the women who previously worked legally decided to travel back to their country of origin when the regulations regarding brothels have been introduced. This is a big problem for the Vienna sex scene, as there is less diversity in the city right now. The prostitution industry in Vienna used to be very diverse with ladies from many different nationalities. However, currently there are not many foreign sex workers present in Vienna, as they are not allowed to work.

5. Long-term consequences of COVID-19 on Vienna sex scene

The COVID-19 disease won’t be the end of the Vienna sex scene, but there might be some long-term consequences of this worldwide pandemic. First of all, nobody knows when foreign customers will return once Viennese brothels are allowed to reopen for business. This could mean a number of months without too many clients; which would result in even more business bankruptcy. Secondly, once the pandemic is over, the ladies and the clients will certainly be more cautious. This could result in much fewer clients visiting Vienna for a while once the Coronavirus has ended.

Parting words

As you can see there are quite a few effects that the Coronavirus has brought onto Vienna. Although we can all feel the problems that come with the COVID-19 disease, hopefully we can put all of this behind us. We think that this pandemic won’t be the end of the Vienna sex market, but there are certainly going to be some lasting consequences. However, we are optimistic and think that in only a couple of months we can get back to enjoying the sex scene in Vienna, maybe with some small changes.

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