6 Toplist Worst Laufhauses in Vienna
We presented you earlier with the “Sex Toplist Best Laufhauses in Vienna“, so now here’s our “SexToplist Worst Laufhauses in Vienna”. You should definitely think twice before going to these places, so remember them well.
What went wrong with these 4 Laufhauses?
The Rating
1. Red-Rooms
- Failed to make good marketing
- Not enough nice girls
- Didn’t have a good and informative website
Red-Rooms was located in a decent area to have a brothel in if they could make use of the traffic of people. As their name indicates, everything is red inside, with some shades of gray as well.
With a remarkable stunt in February 2012, Red-Rooms got positive attention from all over the world. On that freezing month, the brothel decided to open their doors to the homeless of Vienna for free and even offered them food and a place to sleep.
Even if they had a lot of media attention from this stunt and more girls that wanted to work there, impressed by the good deed, it had a great downside to it. Many people felt that they would not like to sleep or have sex in the same bed as the homeless.
Visit the official site of Red-Rooms now and see it yourself!
Red-Room’s management decided to try one last thing, the idea of a “flat rate” sex club system. Things didn’t go accordingly to plan, the police opposed this idea heavily thus they never opened their doors as a flat rate club.
2. Laufhaus Rachel
- Entry fee of 5€
This is the only reason to why Laufhaus Rachel is on our list. While some may argue with our decision, we must remind you that these are Laufhauses, they don’t require an entry fee.
By doing so, Laufhaus Rachel wanted to not have the bad crowd there, lookers and not buyers. In a Laufhaus, you simply do not limit access, never.
Laufhaus Rachel has a great website with great traffic. The Laufhaus was built from scratch, with containers to be more precise. They did a fantastic job, the interior looks really nice.
Click here to visit Laufhaus Rachel official!
However, this doesn’t excuse them for being the ONLY Laufhaus in all of Europe to charge an entry fee, no matter how small it is.
3. ICI Paris Laufhaus
- Older, mature girls
The quality of service is what made ICI Paris Laufhaus to make it to the number 3 on our Sex Toplist Worst Laufhauses in Vienna. Not to say that it’s bad, but that it’s old.
The official site of ICI Paris Laufhaus is available here!
Here is like a resort for older women who cannot compete with younger ones in better Laufhauses and therefore fall back on this one where they’ll always have a room to work in.
4. Laufhaus Juchgasse
Even though they are on our sexToplist Best Laufhauses in Vienna list for the reasons mentioned there, they still made it here for the following reasons:
- Bad service
- High prices
- The house needs renovation
Laufhaus Juchgasse is a marginal choice, it has “pros” and the “cons” and therefore present in both of our lists.
Click here to check out Laufhaus Juchgasse and take a look around!