6 Toplist Escort Websites with FAKE photos

Introduction – Why would Escort Websites use fake photos?

They use fake photos to attract a larger clientele than what their own girls can provide with. This form of deception has been around for a long time, and there are some agencies that never learn to not deceive their clients.

Who was first to use fake images on their escort websites?

This whole trend of using fake images on escort websites started about 15 or 20 years ago with the “Just for Fun” group. They handled a large number of escort websites with almost 90% of fake photos and only a few real escorts in there for the mix. With user awareness improving, through the help of forums where honest people shared their experience with an escort, the Just for Fun group’s influence over the market of Viennese escorts was greatly reduced. Nowadays, their domains are for sale and all that’s left of them is bad reviews and memories from their clients:

These are only a few of what the JustForFun group used to own, with all of them being for sale now.

While many may wonder why escort websites would use fake images, the answer is quite simple. To promote their website better and to attract more clients than their actual girls.

Why don’t clients just sent the “fake girls” home?

When you search for an escort on their website, the physical aspect is quite important, right? But when she arrives at the hotel, some might have a hard time refusing a girl different than what they asked for.

Here is a couple of reasons to why they might not refuse them:

  • The clients might be too horny
  • Fear of the driver or even the security guard might make clients to not refuse a “fake” girl
  • Oftentimes, the girl might be even hotter than what they ordered
  • And last but not least, there are some clients that are too well-mannered to decline the girl’s services to not hurt her feelings or make her feel unwanted

These, among others, are the reasons to why the clients don’t turn down the “fake girls” and why there are still escort agencies that use fake photos for their girl’s profiles.

Fake photos or photoshop? Which one do you prefer?

There are escort websites in Vienna that don’t use fake images, but they photoshop their girls a lot. This obviously affects their business more than they would think. While a nice photo of a girl may attract a large number of clients, photoshopping that image may not be the best thing to do, mostly because it doesn’t guarantee the fidelity of the clients.

No one ever said that photoshopping the girl’s photos a little does any harm, but in no circumstances to make the girl unrecognizable when clients are faced with her.

Studios are using fake images as well!

Among the following escort agencies that are being well-known for using fake images, there are other similar businesses that are doing the exact same thing.

For example, studios in Vienna. While being a thriving type of sex-working business, some of the studios out there resort to publishing fake images of their girls to get a better advertisement and to attract more clients.

Hotter girls means more clients.

The same thing that might happen with escorts can happen in studios: clients would choose to not come back for a second time at that location, they might rather search the Internet for some honest studios or escort agencies.

Even though websites like this can still be found, the Escort market in Vienna, for example, has been revitalized with the websites that keep their photos real and up to date.

We strongly advise you to avoid the following websites until they can provide real photos for their girls:

1. Pussycatescort

While their website looks really nice and most of the girls are good-looking, an extended research on their girls reveals that they used fake images mixed in with real ones.

For example, the girl Alex. She has an extended profile filled with real pictures over at so I highly doubt she is working with Pussycatescorts now.

Seems like Florence is, just like Alex, an escort in Dubai. With very low chances that both of them moved to Vienna, it is most likely that their photos were taken and used shamelessly to attract more clients for their business.

Pussycat Escort Wien

2. 6Bombs

This website did the same thing as Pussycatescort mentioned above, they took pictures from Dubai escort websites and uploaded for their own escorts. This doesn’t mean that they don’t have any real photos, but the fact that they mix fake images with real doesn’t do well for their business. Fake images may be a guaranteed way to lose clients.

6Bombs Wien

3. Sugarbabes

This escort agency has a lot of girls available. Among all of these girls, there are some which have fake photos.

Sugarbabes Escort Wien

4. Sissy-Salon Wien

Even though it is a decent looking website and they have a limited number of girls, the photos of Tiffany and Evelin are without a doubt, not the real ones.

Evelin from Sissy Salon

5. Studio Deluxe

They’ve had their share with using fake photos, and a long history on the Austrian Erotikforum regarding this aspect. Although they might have one or two girls with real photos, they still use fake ones. See all of the fake images here.

Sindy from Studio Deluxe Wien

6. Studio Intim

The girl working in this Studio, Luiza is a perfect example of a girl that will never learn to be honest about herself. Even though she denies it, the girl in the photos is not her. Maybe a couple of years ago she might’ve looked similar to those photos, but now this is nothing but a sham. She is a well-known user of fake images among the users in the Austrian Erotikforum.

Luiza from Studio Intim

These are the top 6 escorts or studio websites that are using fake images to confuse their clients. It is best to avoid these 6 and to thoroughly research an escort agency or a studio before deciding to book one of their girls.

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