Worst 5 Places in Vienna Where Sex without Protection is Common

Vienna is known for having an extremely diverse sex scene where mongers can find all kinds of brothels and sex clubs. Additionally, Vienna is also known for girls who offer various types of services as well.

One of these services is sex without protection (aka AO), and it’s becoming more and more common in the cheaper Sex Studios Vienna. We are not advocating sex without condom and there are numerous problems that can arise with this service, but we cannot ignore the fact that the service is becoming something that many mongers are coming to Vienna for.

As a result of this, we have decided to create a list of the worst 5 places in Vienna where sex without protection is common, as a warning to those who are looking to have sex without condom.

If you would rather choose a place that is more likely to make you have a good time, there are numerous respected places, such as Maxim Wien, Goldentime Vienna, Babylon and also studios that are better then the ones listed in this article. These places are not offering sex without protection, but they are definitely more recommended then the following places. Check out the following links if you wish to learn more!

Worst places in Vienna to have sex without a condom

In the next segment, we are going to list some of the worst places where sex without protection is offered. We would not recommend anyone choose the places we are about to list, for their own health and safety. Most of the places that will be listed are the cheapest and shadiest studios that you will find in Vienna, and there are far better alternatives to be found in the city.

Without further ado, here are the worst 5 places in Vienna where sex without protection is common in no particular order!

Studio Denisgasse 9b

This first studio we are writing about is among the most notorious studios in the city. Sex without condom is possible with most of the girls for a low price, but we would not recommend going there.

First of all, the whole place is pretty much a dump with terrible looking and nasty rooms. The other thing that makes Studio Denisgasse 9b one of the worst in the city is the fact that most of the girls are unhygienic and some are even alcoholics, so their service depends on their mood and soberness.

The girls who work in this studio are constantly trying to upsell their services and they do not even deliver on the services that were agreed upon before entering the room.  

Studio Senefeldergasse 77

The studio at Senefeldergasse 77 is yet another one of those places where sex without protection is offered by the girls, but this definitely doesn’t mean that you should try it out. If you do any research on the studio, you will see that the majority of the people who went there have had a negative experience. This is because the studio itself is in a very bad condition, as well as because the girls who work there are often trying to scam and upsell clients.

Additionally, almost none the girls that work in Studio Senefeldergasse 77 are good looking or known to provide a good (or even satisfactory) service. As a result of this, we would not recommend going to this studio, even if sex without protection is offered for a low price. Your health and sanity are much more important than paying a bit more for a good experience.

Studio Senefeldergasse 77 Google Street view in Vienna
Google view of Studio Senefeldergasse 77

Studio Czerningasse

Rather than being just one bad studio, there are actually three studios next to another and all of them are on the not recommended lists of studios in Vienna. As with all of the places on the list, these are also places where sex without protection is offered, but definitely not recommended.

The main problem with these studios is the fact that they are among the worst looking places in the city. Since the place is pretty much a disaster, the girls that work there are also less than enthusiastic about their work. As a result of this, the sessions are often boring, not service oriented at all and all of the ladies are just looking to make the most money they can in the least amount of time possible.

Studio Siebertgasse 6

Studio Siebertgasse 6 is yet another one of those studios where you can get an AO session with the girls, but it is not among the recommended things to do in Vienna.

The reason behind this is the fact that the ladies want to do the bare minimum for the money they get. This means that most of them are just lying there and not doing anything, trying to shorten sessions and they even tend to try and upsell their services once you get to the room.

These are all indicators of a bad place, which will more often than not result in a bad experience for the client.

Contact Center Laufhaus

The last place we are going to write about where unprotected sex is offered is the Contact Center Laufhaus. This place doesn’t necessarily look terrible, but it’s not the best looking Laufhaus in the city either.

The main reason why we are not recommending looking for an AO session in this Laufhaus is the fact that most of the ladies who are advertised to work are not actually there. Many of the doors in the Laufhaus are closed and only a handful of girls are actually there at any given time.

Related article: Worst Laufhauses in Vienna

Additionally, there have been numerous negative reviews about the girls who work in the Laufhaus online. Because of this, we would not recommend looking for pleasurable session in this place either.

laufhaus contact center in Vienna
Contact Center Laufhaus

These places should be avoided

As you can see from the list, the studios and Laufhauses that we have written about are best to be left avoided for numerous reasons. Not only are most of these places in horrible condition, but the girls that are working there are not the best sexworkers in the city either.

You might only have to pay a cheap price for having unprotected sex, but you never know what problems could come after a session in one of these places. Because of this, and for your own safety, we highly recommend avoiding the brothels we listed today and choosing one of the more reputable places in the city.

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