Shadiest Sex Studios in Vienna

There are more than a hundred sex studios in Vienna. A sex studio can be easily compared to a shop (in fact most of them are former regular shops that ran out of business and were rented out to become sex studios), where you come in have sex and then you go.

Sex studios are often used as apartments, and according to the brothel law in 2011 the sex studios are obliged to have street access.

We’ve previously talked about the worst and the cheapest Sex Studios in Vienna:

And also about the Best Sex Studios for AO sex in Vienna:

With some exceptions, sex studios don’t usually have the kind of clients you would see in top Sex Clubs (like Maxim Wien or Babylon) or in Goldentime Saunaclub, mostly due to their low prices, AO service and location.

The Sex Studios in Vienna are oftentimes located in a bad neighborhood. For example, there’s not a single sex studio in the 1st District of Vienna, since that’s the center of Vienna.

There are occasions when studios are trying to break out of this “rule”, like TerminPornBabes Rezidenz tried a while back but after a short trial they closed.

  • More details on TerminPornBabes Residenz Sex Studio in the center of Vienna HERE!

And this heavily reflects on the girls, who are often forced to accept any clients (they could refuse them, of course, but for a valid reason) and to offer them AO service. This is how girls in sex studios make money, not by quality and prolonged hours of sex, but by offering quick and unprotected sex to a lot of clients.

This brings us to our article where we’ll talk about which are the Shadiest Sex Studios in Vienna, as of October 2015 (you may see studios from the worst and cheapest list repeated here):

9. Studio Juchgasse 36a

Studio Juchgasse 36a would be the only sex studio in the 3rd District and they’re really close to Laufhaus Juchgasse 11

  • The Laufhaus which is both on our list of the Best and the Worst Laufhauses in Vienna due to reasons explained in those articles

Studio Juchgasse 36a in other Toplists

Due to Juchgasse 36a’s “fame” we’ve previously talked about them in our Worst Sex Studios in Vienna Toplist:

It should wonder no one that a girl from Studio Juchgasse 36a is the No. 1 in our list of “Not so brand new girls in Vienna” which covered girls who advertised themselves as being new when they weren’t:

Juchgasse 36a, a real danger!!!

Despite the many bad reviews on the internet, Studio Juchgasse 36a might still have business because they’re without adversary in the Sex Studio business in the 3rd District. However this doesn’t change the fact that the place is a hellhole.

For example, before entering the studio you could really damage your head if not careful – it’s a cellar studio and going down the stairs might become a real issue.

Another hazardous thing in Juchgasse 36a is the hole in the floor next to the shower – it looked to have been a Jacuzzi or an ice pool previously – in which you could fall and really hurt yourself!

The Studio has 3 rooms and is pretty spacey but the whole interieur looks so cheap…

And everything is dirty and smelly – the usual problem Sex Studios generally have; the girls are bad and the prices are low (what a combination…). And obviously, the girls are offering AO service.

8. Studio Hasnerstraße 37a 1160 Wien

Another Sex Studio in the 16th district, Studio Hasnerstraße 37a is super small and everything is dirty inside.

Different Sex Studio, same problems

The problems Studio Hasnerstraße 37a have are what most shady sex studios have: bad hygiene, space too small for a close-to-acceptable brothel and the working conditions the girls have is a joke.

7. Studio Neulerchenfelderstraße 91 1160 Wien

This studio is located in a very bad neighborhood, in the 16th district of Vienna.

We’ve previously covered this ugly sex studio in, what a coincidence…the Worst Studios in Vienna toplist:

That list may be a bit old but nothing has changed, it’s still run down, still offers AO service on a daily basis and the studio is still opened 24/7 with the girls working like crazy.

To top it off, the towels may be dry but they’re not clean whatsoever (they’re smelly) and the girls’ working conditions are really bad – hygiene problems that are generally applicable for every other shady sex studio we’ve covered in this sex top list. The sex studio has 2 smallish rooms where the girls have to work.

The “New Girl” at Neulerchenfelderstraße

6. Studio Markgraf Rüdigerstraße

Listed in an older toplist of ours:

as part of the Cheapest Sex Studios in Vienna, nothing really changed about Studio Markgraf Rüdigerstraße, at least nothing for the better.

The studio and the girls

The studio itself is really small, with two rooms for sex and on very small social room. The whole place might be as big as 25 square meters.

The only positive thing about the Markgraf Rüdigerstraße Sex Studio is that they really have pretty girls. But, AO service costs 40€ with no extra fee. Also, hygiene wise – the shower is terrible.

Location and other related studios

This studio is very close to Lugnercity (check it out here) a big shopping center nearby the Gürtel, which might explain why they are still having lots of clients.

Studio Markgraf Rüdigerstraße is part of a group of studios which also has Studio Mayergasse 5 1020 Wien and Studio Am Tabor 15 1020 Wien – which has the same price scheme as Studio Markgraf Rüdigerstraße, 40€ for AO service with no extra fee added.

5. Studio Sechshauserstraße 14 and 19

We’ve decided to put these two studios together since they are both bad and in the same area. In all honesty, there’s nothing that would set these two studios apart from the rest that we’ve talked about or will talk about.

Theste two Studios from Sechshauserstraße are just as bad and shady as every other studio on this list.

Kontaktcafé – nearby the Sechshauserstraße Studios

What’s more interesting about the Sechshauserstraße Sex Studios is that they’re really close to Kontaktcafé (visit their site HERE) – a pretty successful Erotic nightclub. Although in a terrible neighborhood, Kontaktcafé is doing okay-ish since they have better girls than the average found in that area and because nobody is forcing the girls to provide with AO service.

Here’s a review on Kontakcafé:

While this review may be a bit old, things have definitely not changed for the better for Kontaktcafé since the rooms are still pretty bad compared to good sex nightclubs and so is the clientele, mostly.

4. Studio Arndstraße 6 1120 Wien

This Sex Studio is clearly a dump, even at a first glance. Just like many other Sex Studio in Vienna (there are exceptions of course, a few, but there are) Studio Arndstraße 6 have amazingly bad hygiene and offer AO for a low price.

Common problems in shady sex studios as well as in Studio Arndstraße

The problems Studio Arndstraße have are common to every shady sex studio we’ve talked about and will talk about in this top list:

The rooms are dirty, towels aren’t washed (perhaps they just dry them), there are stains on the bed, sheets and covers – they look mostly like sperm stains and the list can go on and on about the lack of hygiene here.

Showers have mold in the joint gaps, the shower doors are broken; this sex studio has everything it needs to be classified as a living hell hole.

And keep in mind that the girls are both WORKING and SLEEPING here, in these hellish conditions…What a disgrace…

3. Studio Czerningasse 1 /Top6 1020

It was not a hard decision to put the three Czerningasse studios at the top of the list, since all three are equally bad and have some of the worst reviews we’ve seen online.

Studio 1 /Top6 is the one in the middle out of the three Studios on Czerningasse.

Location of the Czerningasse Studios

If you are unfamiliar with the Czerningasse Sex Studios, try to understand that these 3 studios are next to each other, part of the Czerningasse street. They’re located in a pretty central position, right next to Praterstraße (a big and important street in the 2nd District) as well as across a BILLA supermarket – making the three sex studios look out of place.

The girls of Czerningasse Studio 1 /Top6

In this studio there are usually Hungarian girls, and as always, studios don’t have the prettiest girls in Vienna. There are exceptions however, like this girl that’s been recently advertised as being in Studio Czerningasse 1 /Top6: As you can see, she’s beautiful and you shouldn’t find her in such a dump, but then again, she previously worked in another dump – Studio Arndtstraße 6 1120 Wien.

She’s offering AO service for the common low rates that starts at probably 30€, with maybe an extra 10€ for AO (it might also be included).

2. Studio Czerningasse 1 /Top3 1020

The Czerningasse 1 /Top3 studio is the one on the left out of the three Czerningasse studios.
Conditions are the same in all of these three studios: bad hygiene, exhausting working hours, AO service and the list goes on and on.

Even though this sex studio is one of the worst in Vienna ever, they still have at least 1 girl in there which is not half bad, Jeny who offers AO anal service to her clients – we believe she deserves better than that:

1. Asia Studio Czerningasse 1 1020

The Asian studio is the last one on the right out of the three studios and the old Asian girls in there are usually unfriendly and speak almost no German. And the whole places smells like a Korean kitchen for whatever reason.

The Asian girls (which are pretty old) know a few phrases in German, but even those are babbled and often times hard to understand. For example, the question that every Asian girl asks first is “Wie lange?” which translates to “How long?”. And they only ask this so they can settle the prices which you wouldn’t even understand.

Here’s a Sex Club report of some of Vienna’s Laufhauses or Sex Clubs where you can clearly see new Asian girls in Laufhaus Rosi and Laufhaus Rachel:

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