The Best Laufhauses in Vienna

What is a Laufhaus?

A Laufhaus can be described as a hotel with all the rooms rented to the girls. There is usually no entry fee, no guest room or bar where to hang out. It’s simply a place where you go, have sex and leave.

Check this review on Laufhauses for a more detailed explanation on what a Laufhaus is and what are its pros and cons.

Why so few Laufhauses in Vienna?

Wrong, there are more than enough Laufhauses in Vienna, but there are only 3 worth mentioning on our Sex Toplist Best Laufhauses.

Here’s a list of the Worst Laufhauses in Vienna, so that you’ll know where not to go.

The matter of fact is that Laufhauses are facing a tough break in Vienna’s current economy. Lots of them are closing down with lots of new ones soon to open. But in fact, nothing new and good in sight.

In short, clients want a lot for little money, while girls want a lot of money for little effort. This might explain why many believe that the concept of Laufhauses is a flawed one.

The supply and demand in Laufhauses are not in balance anymore. Not like they used to be several years back. With all this said, here’s our Sex Toplist of Best Laufhauses in Vienna that are worth your time:

1. Laufhaus Vienna

  • Many pretty girls
  • Almost all rooms booked at most times of the year
  • Largest number of clients
  • Good location
  • New and clean house
  • Respectable management

Visit Laufhaus Vienna’s website now and see what they are offering!

Screenshot about Laufhaus Vienna's website

2. Kontakthof

  • They have a hard time attracting new girls (Even though they used to have many nice and young girls, as well as matured ones)
  • Basic rooms, not all of them have showers
  • Good location, they hold monopoly in their area
  • Old house and not very nicely decorated
  • Second oldest Laufhaus in Vienna

Click here to visit Kontakthof’s website!

Kontakthof in Wien

3. Laufhaus Juchgasse

  • Great variety of girls, often much more mature ones
  • The house is a bit old and shabby
  • Decent rooms
  • High prices
  • Good business for 3 decades; Laufhaus Juchgasse was the first Laufhaus in Vienna
  • Monopoly in the 3rd district, with almost no other brothels as competition
  • Management doesn’t care whether their clients are happy or not

Visit Laufhaus Juchgasse’s website for more!

Screenshot of Laufhaus Juchgasse Wien's website

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